RGB MusicLab converts RGB (Red, Green and Blue) value of an image to chromatic scale sounds. The program reads RGB value of Pixels from the top left to the bottom right of an image. One pixel makes a Harmony of three note of RGB value, and the length of note is determined by brightness of the pixel. RGB value 120 or 121 is the center C, and RGB value 122 or 123 is added a half steps of the scale that is C#. Pure black that is R=0, G=0, B=0 is no sounds.
It is not an impression of paintings or photographs of a composer. It reads a score from an image data directly. The result of music is one of art forms, however I am aiming to develop another art forms based on these studies and the concept.
You can experiment with aural interpretations from Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci to your personal digital photos and drawings. You may use the music for anything you like, such as for your viedo, your blog, your performance and your everyday life.